Monday, July 25, 2011

Oh Summer, where have you gone?

   I can't believe the summer is almost over! It seems like school just ended, and now I have a less than a month before it begins. I have one word for that: UGH! But I have done lots and lots of fun things! I've gone to the lake, met a cute boy, worked, went home for the 4th of July, worked some more, seen the epic end of the Harry Potter series, I'm going to California in a few weeks, I've gone hiking and caving and oh, I worked some more! Oodles of fun.
   There are going to be some big changes happening sweet little baby sister is turning 16!! Ahhh so crazy, (ps I already bought her the most amazing present ever) :) Oh, and two of my best friends decided they are going to get married, no big deal... :) I can't wait to be a bridesmaid twice!!! :) My family also just bought a house and is moving, so when I go home, it won't be home, well it will be a house, where my family lives, but weird. I'm excited though, but only because I still have a room to go home to and my mommy is still there waiting for me. :) My sister Laura also just had a baby a month ago, Lilian Page. Precious little girl. And Amber is due in less than two months. Crazy, the first sister to have a boy. Beef Jr. we call him :)
  I decided I can't wait until I am finished with school, and I never have to dread the fall. I don't care what people say, the working life is great, school life, not so much. Especially when you love what you do.
  This post is super random and boring. But that is how my summer has been. :) And I wouldn't have it any other way. So off in my future I see lots of school fees, new roommates, textbooks, hours of studying, more work, school parties, football games, all-nighters for tests, and many more college experiences. So bring it on Fall. :)

About Me

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St. George, Utah, United States
I am a young college girl away from home. I love summer, soda, and sleeping. My family, my church, and my friends are my life. I am a morning person, and a night owl. I have a ton of siblings, so I'll save you the confusion and mention them randomly in my posts sometimes. Two of my favorite people in the world are my mother and my grandmother, they are my heroes and I hope to be just like them one day. I love life, even the tough decisions that scare me to death.
