Monday, June 20, 2011

we laugh, we cry, we make time fly. best friends are we, my sisters and me

this post is dedicated to my family. I have been missing them like crazy lately and have been thinking a lot about them and I get to see most of them in a week.

      My sisters are my eternal best friends. I love them so much and I am who I am because I copied them and followed them around for years. :) Growing up in a house with 4 sisters and a mom can be a lot of estrogen for such small quarters, but somehow we all made it out alive. Amber, Katie, Laura, and Cami. I know I can always count on them, even if we annoy each other sometimes (I'm usually the annoying one ;)). But now that we are all growing up, getting married, having children, and moving away (in random order for each child), we get along much better, and enjoy our time together. Our yearly girl's trip is always a blast, and our meeting spot, Snowflake, finds us playing games together and talking through all hours of the night. And all of this would not be complete without our lovely mother tagging along and being the peacemaker. She says she loves being with us because we entertain her, and who needs tv with us around? :) She loves to laugh and gets a kick out of us. I love all of these special women so much, and I always am counting down until the next time I get to see them. (5 days for Katie and Cami, 11 for the rest of them) :) It is the most amazing feeling in the world to know there is not one, but FIVE people I can count on and who know just what to say and always make me feel better and loved.

1 comment:

  1. Can I just say I love this post? I hope one day I get to meet all your sistas :)
    Aaaand i changed my blog address. the blog itself was driving me crazy so I just changed everything lol.
    soooo go there, and follow that one. it's not private.


About Me

My photo
St. George, Utah, United States
I am a young college girl away from home. I love summer, soda, and sleeping. My family, my church, and my friends are my life. I am a morning person, and a night owl. I have a ton of siblings, so I'll save you the confusion and mention them randomly in my posts sometimes. Two of my favorite people in the world are my mother and my grandmother, they are my heroes and I hope to be just like them one day. I love life, even the tough decisions that scare me to death.
